Do We Actually Know What We Are Doing?

This time of year probably makes people think that we don’t. It’s all very much work in progress and does look very messy.

However, there is method in our madness.

The path becomes a quagmire where it’s in cutting over the winter, so we need to clear the raised ballast side-track so people don’t have to walk in the mud.

We also need to push back the bramble scrub so that we get a decent transition from path, to short grass, to longer grass and wildflowers, to scrub and woodland. This is ideal habitat for wildlife and makes it so much more interesting than a mono-green corridor.

Now, here is the second part of what we are doing in this area – The embankment on the south side of the Cawston Bridleway bridge gets a huge amount of direct sunlight, and is very sheltered.

What we want to do is clear off all the scrub, encourage a sheltered grassland habitat, cut back the low value trees and seed it with a wildflower called Kidney Vetch. This is the sole food plant of the endangered Small Blue butterfly larvae. We might be lucky and establish a colony. The nearest colony spotted is around the cement works, so not too far away.

If we don’t get Small Blue butterflies, it will still be hugely beneficial to a whole range of insects and birds.

As you can see, plenty of work to do!!

We can create a hedge at the top of the cutting to further protect from south-westerly winds and just add to the biodiversity here.

It’s all super exciting stuff and will look brilliant in the spring and summer of next year.

As always, come and help if you want to get involved, or pop along for a chat if you feel the need for a bit of human contact and conversation. This time of year can be a little depressing for people as it gets dark and cold, and Christmas looms. We are always here doing our thing with a laugh and a joke.

Until next week!


About Paul - Cawston Greenway

Just trying to create a slice of wildlife and a place for people to chill out and meet new friends in this crazy world that we live in.
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