The Three Pillars

A Path For Everyone

Creating a path that is accessible for walkers, cyclists, joggers, families, pushchairs, mobility buggies. Wide enough so people can pass comfortably or walk two abreast, can see far enough ahead so as not to feel intimidated, plenty of benches to stop at and rest. Areas for youth and areas for families to enjoy a picnic. Geocaching and dino trail activities. Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold Award Assessor.

A Wildlife Corridor

Joined up habitat for wildlife. Plenty of sunshine and clearings for wildflowers. Bird boxes and bat boxes. A bird feeding station. Biodiversity is maximised by continual clearing of scrubby bramble.

A Safe Place For Mental Wellbeing

Doing the workdays with a positive purpose, a reason, and a goal, is so good for mental health. But just using the greenway to walk or cycle, to have a little less screen time and a little more green time is so good for all of us. Connecting with nature reduces stress and anxiety.

So today I donned my hi-viz and went for the ultimate thrill of an hour on the brush cutter. My hands are still tingling some five hours later!

We need a nicely widened path with a decent transition from path to short grass, to longer grass and wildflowers, to scrub and trees so wildlife can move in and out easily. We also need to get rid of the overhanging branches and cut windows on the south-easterly side to allow lots of sunlight in.

Next week is just bow-saws, loppers and pole-saws. It’s gonna be a tough one!!

We also did a little bit of maintenance on our Bilton Grange underpass mural…

Remember, there are various ways to support the project. The best thing is to come along and get involved, but if that doesn’t work for you, please consider becoming a Patron. Just £2 a month multiplied by 40 or so people means more of the good stuff, or make a one off donation via our crowdfunding page or the “buy me a coffee” link on the side. Everything helps us enormously and it will give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Thank you to all who have, and continue to, support the project.

Lastly, you can get some Cawston Greenway merchandise to impress your friends and family with. Imagine going for a walk along the path in the summer and then heading back home and enjoying a coffee in one of our mugs…

What a fantastic talking point!! Just visit the shop on the right.

Until next week!


About Paul - Cawston Greenway

Just trying to create a slice of wildlife and a place for people to chill out and meet new friends in this crazy world that we live in.
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2 Responses to The Three Pillars

  1. Paul, thanks for alerting me to your great blog. You have some spiritual trail brothers and sisters across the pond here in North Carolina. Last month the Elkin Valley Trail Asssociation moved 2 miles of the Mountains-to-Sea trail off road (the 1000+ mile trail is a work in progress), and last week we build a new 200m spur trail for a scenic overlook of dam and lake (from our Forest Bathing trail).
    Love the wildlife underpasses — so essential. Love my big loppers, 5 lb hazel hoe, and Pulaski.

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