Woodworking Workshop No. 2

Well I suppose this week we have to mostly talk about the new-old recycled-bench that took one for the team.

The seats were always a little bit of an invitation for a bit of mischief, due them being a bit springy. I remember standing in Wickes DIY shop with a length of timber in each hand. In one hand was the timber that we used and the other hand was the timber that we have replaced the seats with. I really should’ve followed my head and not my heart. The original seat width was slightly wider so I was thinking of the comfort of your bottoms, at the time. Ooh, that sounds slightly weird…

The good news is, we have used the broken bits on another project, and saved ourselves a small fortune. More of this next week.

So we gathered at the crime scene and started to build.

Behold, our smashed up picnic bench is all new again and enjoying its 5th or 6th incarnation. Is it six or only five? To tell you the truth, in all the excitement I kinda lost track myself…

Let’s hope we get a little more use out of it before it needs any more attention. It’s in a great spot and saves people having to walk a bit to enjoy a picnic.

In other news, we have had a person from a new country visit the blog. They are in Liechtenstein.

Hallo, vielen Dank für das Lesen des Blogs. Ich hoffe, es hat euch gefallen.

Quick facts

Liechtenstein is a German-speaking, 25km-long principality between Austria and Switzerland. It’s known for its medieval castles, alpine landscapes and villages linked by a network of trails. The capital, Vaduz, a cultural and financial centre, is home to Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, with galleries of modern and contemporary art. The Postmuseum displays Liechtenstein’s postage stamps.

And so our quest for “World Domination” inches endlessly forward, with the blog being viewed from 93 different countries by god-knows how many people… Or is it just one person who travels around a lot? We will never know!!

Work on Charlie’s Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award wildflower clearing, at the weekend, was a hard two-hours of weeding. But the good news is, we are starting to see some colour.

What a relief!! I was starting to get a bit worried about this one!!

Lastly, after we all admired our new-old recycled-picnic-bench, we broke off for a coffee break with our world-famous (you knew it was coming) all-terrain-mugs.

To let this bench go would be an awful waste. It’s just so convenient and gets so much use. But the A-frames are warped and it cannot take too many more rebuilds, so if you want to kick something in, maybe give this one a miss.

An exciting blog next week – Bilton Grange Prep School are doing their thing and loads more!!

See you there (and buy me a blooming coffee – link top right!!)…

About Paul - Cawston Greenway

Just trying to create a slice of wildlife and a place for people to chill out and meet new friends in this crazy world that we live in.
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5 Responses to Woodworking Workshop No. 2

  1. My husband was making wood on our deck . Thanks for sharing this idea. Anita

  2. Damn man, you are really creative. To be honest I don’t even know how to attach a ceiling fan on ceiling, I’m still learning these small things and then I found out you who is creating things out of woods like it is nothing. Creating things is a remarkable skill that Every man should know. It really makes the expenses remarkably low;

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