Northern Lights

We had the Northern Lights to admire this week.

Thankfully there is no light pollution on our northern side and the view was magnificent.

We met at the most southerly part today and strimmed back the path edge just 6 inches of so, on both sides. This will stop the track feeling tight in the summer as everything sort of droops into the middle.

It feels a bit brutal but it really will pay dividends in a couple of weeks. Already we were able to walk up and down the path side-by-side and have a conversation, rather than the silent single-file column that we normally have to do.

The flooding at Berrybanks is now starting to dry out and is looking a lot more hopeful.

It’s still very muddy, but at least there is no longer a lake in the middle of the path.

Our radio interview from last week is on air.

Just click on the picture to listen.

How amazing!!

We also did some running repairs to the picnic benches. The naughty squirrels had a hedonistic party at the bird feeder clearing so a quick repair was in order.

We also splashed a load of wood stain about to keep everything looking fresh at this one, and the Potford Dam picnic bench.

It only rained a bit, and most of the stain had soaked in by then.

After topping up the bird feeders with fat balls.

We enjoyed coffee and cookies along with the sort of chit-chat that keeps us all sane.

It was a really good day today. We covered about 600 metres, which fills me with confidence that we can keep on top of the path width throughout summer.

Here is our YouTube for the week to give you a feeling of being there.

I’m gonna jump on my bike soon and do a video of the whole path.

Lastly, a few more wildflowers are popping up and butterflies are appearing.

The Dunchurch Bridleway is slowly opening up.

The public right-of-way across the field still needs to be reinstated.

But it is getting the attention that it needs.

This is the map showing the greenway in red, the public right of way and Dunchurch Bridleway in orange, and the diversion whilst the building work is happening, in blue.

It’s a lovely walk when it is all working and a delightful coffee can be had at Solstice Coffee Shop.

Next week we are at the bird feeder clearing. Please do come along for a coffee if you just need a bit of social contact. 11am as always, and there is always some going spare.

Until then!


About Paul - Cawston Greenway

Just trying to create a slice of wildlife and a place for people to chill out and meet new friends in this crazy world that we live in.
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4 Responses to Northern Lights

  1. Fabulous Northern Lights pic! It was cloudy in the city and it was otherwise blanked out by light pollution but just to the west in the foothills there was a lovely display. It was far cooler than the eclipse by my way of thinking. 😉 Have a great weekend and don’t work too hard.

  2. Pingback: What’s Up in the Neighborhood, May 18 2024 – Chuck The Writer

  3. Congratulations on having your work and dedication acknowledged by the BBC. Nice interview!

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